
Mike Davis - Pastor
I thank you for your interest in Wekiwa Springs Baptist Church. The purpose of this website is to present a resource that will help answer many of the questions that you may have about our church. God is mightily at work in and through our church, and we are excited about sharing what He is doing. Although this website will answer many of your questions, please know that we stand ready to answer any other questions that you might have.
The Bible is God’s living, Holy Word. In it, God teaches us how to live, how to love, how to do family, and how to experience victory in our daily life. Moreover, the Bible teaches us how we can have eternal life, and experience the intimate fellowship with God for which we were created. We are shown in the Holy Scriptures that we each need to be reconciled to God through the saving power of Jesus Christ. You will make many decisions throughout your life, but there is no decision more important than turning your life over to Jesus and allowing him to be the Lord of your life. This decision alone will determine your eternal destiny.
We would be thrilled and honored if you would allow us share the love of our Lord Jesus Christ with you. Please give us a chance to show you that wonderful love in a very personal way by joining us for one of our worship services. We are a friendly church that loves to meet new people. You have no idea how happy we would be to meet you in person. Give us a chance to prove that you matter to God and you matter to us!
May God bless you as He leads you into an understanding of the abundant Christian life. Remember Jesus said in John 10:10, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
If we meet and you forget me, you may have lost nothing; but if you meet Jesus Christ and forget him you have lost everything!